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G.M. Andreozzi – Italy

Pubblicazioni Volume VII°

2004 – 2007

358) Coccheri S, Andreozzi GM, D’Addato M, Gensini GF for the Provedis Study Group: Effects of Defibrotide in Patients with Chronic Deep Veins Insufficiency. The Provedis Study. Int Angiol 2004 23:100-107

359) GALILEI Investigators Writing Committee: Subcutaneous adjusted-dose Unfractionated Heparin vs fixed-dose Low-Molecular-Weight Heprain in the initial treatment of venous thromboembolism. Arch Intern Med 2004 164:1077-1083

360) Andreozzi GM: Insufficienza Venosa Cronica; dalla macro alla microcircolazione (Epidemiologia, Fisiopatologia e Clinica). 2004 Basi Razionali Terapia (s1) 3-12

361) The VESALIO Investigators’ Group (Andreozzi GM; Verlato F, Camporese G): High vs. low doses of low-molecular-weigt heparin for the treatment of superficial vein thrombosis of the legs: a double-blind, randomized trial. J Thromb Haemost 2005 3:1152–7

362) Kakkos SK, Nicolaides AN, and ACSRS STUDY GROUP  (Andreozzi GM, Verlato F, Camporese G): Factors associated with mortality in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis: results from the ACSRS Study. Int Angiol 2005 24:221-230

363) Andreozzi GM, Cordova R, Scomparin MA, Martini R, D’Eri A, Andreozzi F:  Quality of Life in Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Int Angiol 2005 24:272-277

364) Faglia E, Andreozzi GM: Il Piede Ischemico: Approccio Diagnostico. In: Documento di Consenso Internazionale sul piede Diabetico, a cura di A. Piaggesi. Mediserve Napoli Firenze Milano 2005

365) Nicolaides AN, Stavros Km Kakkos K and ACSRS STUDY GROUP  (Andreozzi GM, Verlato F, Camporese G): Effect of Image Normalization on Carotid Plaque Classification and the Risk of Ipsilateral Hemispheric Ischemic Events: Results from the Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of Stroke Study, Vascular 2005 13:211-221

366) Nicolaides AN, Kakkos SK, Griffin M and ACSRS STUDY GROUP  (Andreozzi GM, Verlato F, Camporese G): Severity of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis and Risk of ipsilateral Hemispheric Ischaemic Events: Results from the ACSRS Study. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2005 30:275-284

367) Andreozzi GM, Cordova R, Scomparin MA, Martini R, D’Eri A, Andreozzi F: Effects of Elastic Stocking on Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Int Angiol 2005 24:325-329

368) Camporese G, Venturin A, Bortolotti L, Zara G, Stramare R, Andreozzi GM: Sindrome dello stretto toracico superiore: diagnosi e strategie terapeutiche. L’esperienza dell’Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova. Min Cardioangiol 53 (6s1) 80-81

369) Verlato F, Zotta L, Guadagni ML, Borgese L, Cravatari M, Nardi M, Marzolo M, Camporese G, Andreozzi GM: Inadeguata prevenzione cardiovascolare e inosservanza delle Linee Guida di diagnostica vascolare nei pazienti ambulatoriali: studio multicentrico in quattro unità operative di Angiologia. Min Cardioang 2005 53 (6s1) 86-87

370) Camporese G, Verlato F, Salmistraro G, Zanon F, Simioni P, Andreozzi GM: Ostruzioni CVC correlate: epidemiologia, diagnosi e trattamento. Min Cardioang 2005 53 (6s1) 121-123

371) De Donato G, Gussoni G, de Donato G, Setacci C, Pratesi C, Ferrari M, Hebner H, Veglia F, Andreozzi GM, Palombo D, on behalf of the ILIALIL study Group: Severe Outcome after Surgery for Acute Limb ischemia: can Iloprost improve it? Proceeding of 16th Europ Chap of IUA JJF Belch Editor, pagg 15-17, Medimond Bologna 2005 (ISBN 88-7587-2201

372) Consensus on Intermittent Claudication. Abano Terme (PD), Italy, 7th May 2005. (Writing Committee: Andreozzi GM, Arosio E, Martini R, Verlato F, Visonà A) 2006 Wolters Kluwer Health – Milano Roma

373) Andreozzi GM: Prevalence of patients with chronic venous disease-related symptoms but without visible signs (described as C0s in the CEAP classification): the Italian experience. Phlebolymphology 2006 13:28-35.

374) Carlon R, Andreozzi GM, Leone A: L’esercizio Fisico nel paziente con Arteriopatia Obliterante Cronica Periferica. in: La prescrizione dell’esercizio fisico in ambito cardiologico (Documento Cardiologico di Consenso della Task Force Multisocietaria) FMSI & SIC-sport (Ed.) Roma 9 maggio 2006

374 bis) Carlon R, Andreozzi GM, Leone A: L’esercizio fisico nel paziente con arteriopatia obliterante periferica. Med Sport 2006 59:259-64

375) Andreozzi GM, on behalf the Consensus Faculty on Intermittent Claudication of CEVF: The management of Intermittent Claudication: an incoming consensus document from the Central European Vascular Forum. Intern Angiol 2006 25(s1) 34-35

376) Verlato F, Zotta L, Guadagnin ML, Borgese L, Cravatari M, Nardi M, Marzolo M, Camporese G, Andreozzi GM: Inadequate cardiovascular prevention and underuse of diagnostic guidelines in outpatients: a multicenter study in units care of angiology. Intern Angiol 2006 25(s1) 126

377) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Laudani R, Deinite G, Martini R: Acute impairment of endothelial function by maximal treadmill exercise in patients with intermittent claudication, and its improvement after supervised physical training. Intern Angiol 2006 25(s1) 147

378) De Donato G, Gussoni G, Setacci C, Pratesi C, Ferrari M, Veglia F, Palombo D, Spinelli F, Andreozzi GM, Dedonato G: Acute limb ischemia in the elderly: is it possible to improve surgical outcome? Intern Angiol 2006 25(s1) 151

379) Martini R, Kolenda-Parakiel M, Cordova R, Andreozzi GM: Safeness of pharmacological intensive treatment in patients with critical limb ischemia with not advisable surgery. Intern Angiol 2006 25(s1) 175

380) Andreozzi GM, Martini R, Cataldi V, (on behalf the Diabetes Working Group of Italian Society for Angiology and Vascular Medicine): The diagnostic management of diabetic arterial disease. Minerva Cardioangiol 2006 54 6(s1) 12-14

381) Andreozzi GM, Cordova R, Scomparin MA, Martini R, Andreozzi F, Cataldi V, (on behalf the Working Group on Quality of Life in Vascular Medicine of Italian Society for Angiology and Vascular Medicine): Quality of life in chronic venous insufficiency. Minerva Cardioangiol 2006 54 6(s1) 72-75

382) Andreozzi GM, Martini R, Cordova R, Cataldi V: Indications and safeness of intensive pharmacological treatment of critical limb ischaemia not advised for revascularisation. Minerva Cardioangiol 2006 54 6(s1) 94-97

383) Leone A, Laudani R, Deinite G, Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Effetti dell’esercizio fisico massimale e del training fisico controllato sulla funzione endoteliale di pazienti con claudicazione intermittente. Minerva Cardioangiol 2006 54 6(s1) 276-278

384) Laudani R, Leone A, Deinite G, Martini R, Andreozzi GM: Effetti di un protocollo aerobico di training fisico controllato sulla performance deambulatoria di pazienti claudicanti. Minerva Cardioangiol 2006 54 6(s1) 284-286

385) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Laudani R, Deinite G, Martini R: Acute impairment of the endothelial function by maximal treadmill exercise in patients with intermittent claudication, and its improvement after supervised physical training. Int Angiol 2007 26(1) 12-17

386) Andreozzi GM: Arteriopatia Periferica e Levo-Propionyl-Carnitina. Farmaci 2007 31 2(s1):1-11

387) Andreozzi GM, Visonà A, Parisi R, Arosio E (angio-veneto working group): Appropriateness of diagnostic and therapeutic pathways in patients with vascular disease. Minerva Cardioangiol 2007 55(3):397-424

388) Andreozzi GM, Martini R, Cordova R, D’Eri A, Salmistraro G, Mussap M, Plebani M.: Circulating levels of cytokines (IL-6 and IL-1b) in patients with intermittent claudication, at rest, after maximal exercise treadmill test and during restore phase. Could they be progression markers of the disease?
Int Angiol. 2007 26(3):245-52

389) Andreozzi GM: Effectiveness of mesoglycan in patients with previous deep venous thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency. Min Cardioang 2007 55:741-753

390) Andreozzi GM, Leone A, Laudani R, Salmistraro G, Martini R, Deinite G: Il training fisico controllato nel management del paziente con claudicazione intermittente. Min Cardioang 2007 55 6(s1) 11-16

391) Camporese G, Venturin A, Andreozzi GM: Risultati a medio e lungo termine nel trattamento riabilitativo della sindrome dello stretto toracico superiore. Min Cardioang 2007 6 (s1) 25-26

392) Marzolo M, Verlato F, Zotta L, Catinella B, Guadagnin ML, Borgese L, Cravatari M, Nardi M, Camporese G, Andreozzi GM: Aderenza alle linee guida nella prevenzione cardiovascolare: una strada ancora in salita? Min Cardioang 2007 6(s1) 124-125

393) Leone A., Laudani R, Deinite G, Martini R, Andreozzi GM: La persistenza dei fattori di rischio non controllati, influenza i risultati del training fisico controllato? Min Cardioang 2007 6 (s1) 129-132

394) Camporese G, Bernardi E, Prandoni P, Noventa F, Verlato F, Nitta K, Frangos C, Rossi F, Zucchetta P, Simioni P, Kontothanassis D, Andreozzi GM: Low-molecular-weight heparin versus graduated compression stockings for prevention of venous thromboembolism after knee arthroscopy. A randomized trial. Min Cardioang 2007 6 (s1) 171-173

395) Kontothanassis D, Di Mitri R, Camporese G, Verlato F, Ferrari Ruffino S, Zambrini E, Romano R, Guerra M, Ugliola M, Andreozzi GM: Il laser endovenoso nel trattamento dell’insufficienza venosa cronica: sei anni di esperienza. Min Cardioang 2007 6 (s1) 185

395bis) Giada F, Carlon R, vona M, Fattirolli F, De Piccoli B, Zeppilli P, Picchio FM, Calabrò R, Colonna P, Calzolari A, Sarubbi B, Berrettini U, Vignati G, Andreozzi GM, Leone A, et al: Consensus Statement of Multisocietary Task Force Prescription of physical exercise in the cardiological environment–executive summary. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2007 Dec;68(4):199-212.


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