Funzione Endoteliale ed Esercizio Fisico Sabato 19 Settembre 2009 SCARICA DOCUMENTO Questo numero di Nautilus ospita un articolo originale del nuovo Presidente della SIAPAV, Giuseppe M. Andreozzi. Che l’endotelio fosse un vero e proprio “tessuto-organo” che riveste tutto il sistema vascolare, dotato di molteplici funzioni ed attività, era stato ipotizzato e studiato circa trenta anni …
Archivio Categoria: Educational Papaers
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Apr 02
Consensus Document on the Management of the Intermittent Claudication (2008 revision)
Consensus Document on the Management of the Intermittent Claudication (2008 revision) Mercoledì 2 Aprile 2008 SCARICA DOCUMENTO The document, published in the 2006, has been presented and shared with the Italian Society for Angiology and Vascular Medicine, Czech Society of Angiology, Slovak Society of Angiology, Romanian Society for Vascular Surgery, who also edited the translation …
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Gen 16
The C0s item of the CEAP classification
The C0s item of the CEAP classification Lunedì 16 Gennaio 2006 SCARICA DOCUMENTO The C0s item of the CEAP classification is one of the emerging topics in venous disease epidemiology. It has been referred to by several studies, but until today it has not been clearly assessed by any specific study. In Italy, the topic …
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Gen 12
Consensus Document on the Management of the Intermittent Claudication (English – Italiano)
Consensus Document on the Management of the Intermittent Claudication (English – Italiano) Giovedì 12 Gennaio 2006 SCARICA DOCUMENTO Intermittent claudication (IC) is the major symptom of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and is also an important marker of systemic atherosclerotic disease. PAD affects about 12% of the adult population and 20% of individuals over 70 years …
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Ott 31
Effects of elastic stocking on Quality of Life of Patients with Chronica Venous Insufficiency
Effects of elastic stocking on Quality of Life of Patients with Chronica Venous Insufficiency Lunedì 31 Ottobre 2005 SCARICA DOCUMENTO Aim. Even though compression therapy is the most recommended treatment for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) in the national and international guidelines, its application, at least in Italy, is lower than the estimated need from the …
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Set 30
Quality of Life in Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Quality of Life in Chronic Venous Insufficiency Venerdì 30 Settembre 2005 SCARICA DOCUMENTO Aim. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a chronic disease, whose disability has not been appreciated clearly, and several treatment costs are not covered by Public Health Service, probably because its any social impact is not well known. The aim of the study …
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Apr 30
Insufficienza Venosa Cronica: dalla macro alla microcircolazione
Insufficienza Venosa Cronica: dalla macro alla microcircolazione Venerdì 30 Aprile 2004 SCARICA DOCUMENTO L’insufficienza venosa cronica (IVC) è un quadro clinico caratterizzato da sintomi e segni legati all’ipertensione venosa, dipendente da alterazioni strutturali o funzionali delle vene. Le cause più frequenti sono un’alterazione primitiva della parete e delle valvole delle vene soprafasciali degli arti inferiori, …
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